


Foto saya
Pemuda yang tak kenal lelah untuk terus mencari jati diri, lulusan Fakultas Hukum Unpas (2009), dengan spesialisasi Penegakan Hukum Pidana dan Hukum Ketenaga kerjaan, terus menggeluti dunia Human Resource Department (HRD), dengan visi "pentingnya kaum buruh dalam pengembangan dunia usaha" Ada Yang Bilang....Kalo Otak saya ini terlalu di mainset HRD...Haha....Kangen Banget Ma orang Itu...^^

Minggu, 25 Juli 2010


Moving on,

When your dreams are shattered,
then nothing else matters
When your heart's been broken
Harsh words left spoken
Leaving your heart bleed on
the floor
Your world is falling apart
like never before
You know it's not going to be
the same
This isn't just a game,
You've got to move on
you've got to take that step
to tread upon.

Where time heals all,
it's so hard not to fall
Then time can be cruel or
it can be kind
Where you move and hope
to find,
a better peace of mind
Moving on is the only price
to pay
For when we move on then we
are on our way.

When we move on then we know
we've come far
For then we can be that bright
and shining star
Moving on, is something that
needs to be done
Then we know we aren't the only
That havent' been to that place
Moving on is something that we
all eventually face.

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